22 March 2022

California Dreamin' part 5 - Som Yong Hung Gai

So for a few years now, George has been sending me pix of his fav Chinese restaurant near China town.  It's a real greasy spoon but the food is fabulous - or so he says.  The restaurant has been there for years but the corona virus was about to change history for the restaurant.  Like most places, closing up for good was a real possibility for this wing wong shop.  But the owners out smarted the virus and the mandates.  They put a hole in the wall and opened up a walk-up window.  Because of that, the business picked up as it was one of the few restaurants you could go to for take out.  Next thing I know, George is sending me photos of long lines of people waiting for dim sum.

George wanted to take me there when I arrived at Union Station after visiting Gail and before getting onto the Orange County train.  I told George I would love too but I just hope we have enough time for a beer.  If you have been following the other blogs before this, then you know that the visit with Gail was canceled and it ended up giving us the time we needed to grab a lunch at Won Kok Hung Low - or whatever the name of it was.  I kind of cringed when I saw the place but I knew it had to be ok as George eats there all the time and there were lots of late comers.  We had just missed the lunch crowed as ALL of the table still had dirty dishes on them.  We walked in and sat down at a table for 10.  George ordered enough for all the people who didn't show up.  He wanted me to have a taste of everything. It really was delicious but waaaaaay too much food for 2 people.

So, I grab my bags and we leave Union Station and head on out to the restaurant.  It's a half mile/800 meters to the restaurant.  On the way, we passed this beautiful post office annex terminal building.

Built in 1939 - 1940 to process all mail going in and out of Los Angeles.

And just past the post office terminal annex we come to Philippe.  We used to eat here when we were kids.   Even then the restaurant was old.  It was established in 1908.  Every "French dipped sandwich" was delicious.  It looks almost exactly as I remember from when I was an 8 year old kid.

The restaurant has quite a history and it's rather interesting.  You can read about it here.

After Philippe we continue our walk to Som Ting Wong for lunch.  Just off to the side of Philippe restaurant is this cherry tree in bloom and it really is Wow !


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