27 May 2022

Nize could be nize - Day 1 - Lez and Tranz march

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So I pay my fine in the train, the woman rips off the receipt stub from her credit card reader and then hands me both my credit card and the receipt.  Right then and there, the train comes to a stop and I get out at the Nice Riquier station.  That's how far I had to go: the distance of a credit card tranzaction.  There's that word.  So I get out of the train and walk south-west, crossing the huge square - Place Garibaldi.  It's stunning.

No car traffic.

From there it's just a 10-minute walk back to my BnB.  I remembered the coastline had a lot of 2-level bars that looked out over the promenade and coastline.  Feeling cheated from the train company, I decided to pop into one of the bars to sooth my sore credit card with a tasty Aperol.

When I am done with my cocktail and feeling refreshed, I decide to get up and go walk up Castle Hill to see the waterfalls that I read about on-line.

As I am huffing and puffing up the steep steps, I hear somebody with a boom-box or something.  As I get higher up, the music gets louder.  I guess someone at the top is having a party.  But when I get there (which actually is only half way to the very top of the hill), there are just a few people taking photos but no boom-box people.  And now it's starting to sound more like parade music.  I get out my camera to snap a few photos over the city and I notice a huge blurry crowed of people waving banners back and forth.  Oh so interesting.  I wonder what that's all about.  

I got out my camera and zoomed in to see what it could be.

OMG !!!   Fags !!!
Now I could see rainbow flags waving.   A French gay parade!  I gotta get in on this!  I fly down the stair path without any problems whatsoever. By the time I got down to the bottom of the hill and to the parade, I was back near the bar from where I started from.

As it turns out, it wasn't a gay parade at all.  It was a Lezbian/Tranzsexual protest march.  It was funny and it was fun.  But it was also very serious.  I decided to join in and march along with the group to show support.  

At this point, the guy with the megaphone said something and it got totally quite and everybody put their fist in the air.  I had no idea what the guy was saying but I put up my fist too.  I was just hoping he wasn't asking for volunteers for a sex change.

Once the march was over, I huffed and puffed back up the stairs of Castle Hill again.

See these photos and more on my shutterfly site.

Click this link to see all 517 photos.

Click on the blue ALL where it says: Show 25/50/ALL 

Click on first photo of tulips.

Click on "Slideshow" to see large photo.

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