30 September 2017

Auto Tour Day 7

It's time to go.  We are packed and dolled up and now we just need a bit of 4* breakfast with a view of the lake.

I'm so excited to finally be seeing the Viking Museum in Jellying.  I was in Jelling 25 years ago or so.  No museum at the time.  Saw the rocks and thought no big deal about it.  Now I know the story and how it is the birth stone and birth place of Denmark.  It's raining - ugh.  It rained last year when we were here (scroll to pix 4 and 5)  and it kept us from seeing the Stones. 

I found the handicap space, helped get Jens into his wheels and rushed him across the street to the entrance.  It's a "hands on" kind of place which is really good for kids and hundreds of kids there were.  I didn't really snap so many pix in here as it was dark and though the place was really interesting,  it didn't really have that "photo snap appeal".  Maybe it was just the kids driving me bananas.  Anyway - I really like the place but it required lots of time to read and listen.  And a lot of time we didn't have.

A bit of Disney magic - nothing really to do with Vikings.

Here's the skinny on the Viking Stones that I am still dying to see. A full page with just a bit of text on Wikipedaia.   Maybe on the next trip to Kolding when we go to visit my mother-in-law.  She lives just a half hour away from the Viking village of Jelling. 
Bet you didn't know your Bluetooth was named after a Danish king.

Leaving town - about 10 minutes out - we came across this interesting copy of a viking ship.

After the museum we headed out to my mother-in-law's home, picked her up and took her to my sister-in-law's home in the village of Jordrup. 
There we visited for the evening and had a huge dinner.
You'll have to use your imagination.  I didn't snap the rest of the day.

Be sure to visit the page of our last travel day - click here.

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