25 September 2019

Thank-You US Embassy

Already back in August it was announced that trump was coming to Copenhagen, sort of.  You know trump: I'll be probably going to Copenhagen maybe on my way to or from Poland, if there is time and I might be there in September if it works out then maybe, possibly bla bla bla.  Never a commitment. Never a whole sentence.

The general Danish population didn't want him to come for a visit.  So immediately there was talk about a protest.  I don't remember now exactly what I heard but I do remember it was all very vague.   They were going to protest on the day he shows up.   The days went on and then the Danes got really upset because a wad of $ was going to be spent on security and the message coming from the US now is that maybe, possibly trump wont be coming.  The Danes found it to be in poor taste and very unprofessional to say to the head of state, Queen Margrethe:  Maybe I'll be there, maybe I wont.

Well, luckily for the Queen and the Danes, trump didn't come.  I was relieved.  Though trump didn't come, the Danes decided that they were going to protest anyway on the day that he was supposed to arrive in Copenhagen.  I had no idea when trump was supposed to come.  I had no idea if and when there was going to be a protest.  I knew nothing.  I was just glad that he was going to be nowhere near here.

Then I got this mail from the American Embassy warning me to stay away.  That, of course, got under my skin.  Now I want to thank the US Embassy for letting me know exactly where and when to show up for the protest.  

I just happened to be on facebook and I notice that a friend of ours was going to be protesting also.   It's been a while since we last saw Nhu so I sent a message to her and we agreed to meet in front of the embassy.  It was not a huge group of people but it was still a lot for Danes to protest someone who was not even there.  Not only that, the day that trump was supposed to arrive was Sept. 2nd.  It was a federal holiday so the embassy was closed anyway.  I don't know if the Danes knew that.  

The event made the news here in Denmark.  I think it may have made the news in the states - anyone?

Nhu snapped a selfie of us.  Thank you Nhu.  It was great to see you.
 Here now are a few photos I snapped quickly of the march with my cheepie android.

The "Absurd" sign has to do with the Prime Minister of Denmark expressing this when trump perposed to buy Greenland.  The donald made a big stink about a foreign leader saying that his idea was absurd - which is it - he therefor called her nasty.   The Danish government is both pissed at the way he just backed out of the visit at the last moment and others in the government say it's too bad that they missed an opportunity to continue with the decades long great relationship between the 2 countries.  You can google it yourself.  I'm not going to put his ugly orange mug on this blog.  But you can see how he acts like a spoiled child - seriously - that someone dare say his idea is absurd.  And that was why he didn't show up; because he knew he wasn't going to be able to do any of his imaginary "art of the deal" with Denmark.  I wanna laugh but I just shake my head in disgust and embarrassment.

My advice is to get out and vote this clown out of office.

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