13 September 2013


In the late 1800's, Copenhagen's green market moved to Israels Plads until 1958.  From there it went to Valby, a suburb of the city.  Israels Plads in the following years had become a number of things including a huge parking lot, a flea market on weekends and so on.  But there has always been a strip of canvas tents selling flowers and fresh produce.  At anytime of year here - what was and still is called grønt torv or green square - you could hear the sellers screaming out their special 2 for 1 prices.  Rain, snow or sunshine, there was always a fresh deal to be found.

This is a picture of the green square market just a few years ago.  It's about twice as long as what you can see here and almost never more than 2 rows deep.

Here are 2 up close pix of what you could expect to find every day of the year.

In early 2000's, the city decided to spiff up the place and make it a little more fancy and up to date.  The square is just 10 steps away from the metro, train and bus of the busiest public transportation station in Copenhagen and probably all of Scandinavia.

Here you can see the construction of the 2 new halls.  The stairs are a side entrance to the metro and the train.

The outdoor flower and produce market became an indoor market.  It opened in late 2011.  And though I have been by it a number of times, I finally went in today and was pleasantly surprised.  I want to go back and I want you - yes, you - to come with me to sit and enjoy the food.

 Entrance to one of the green halls.

The halls have become more of an eatery and the actual amout of flowers that I saw for sale were less than minimum.  In the old green market there was never any sea food for sale.

 Now you can buy cheese.....
 and meats....

and specialty foods...
 and items like cupcake formed hand soap....

and candy like this hand made liqurish.....
 and taffies....
 and delicious Danish danish and cakes and so much more.

This is the back side of the 2 halls which is just as well the front side from a different street.  You can enter each hall from each side of either hall.  But good luck trying to find a parking space.  The double row of bikes go way beyond what you can see here and around the corner.  This is a very happening spot and I hope to see you here soon.

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