20 July 2024

From Germany to Malmö

When Dan asked me to go to Lübeck, Germany with him, I reluctantly said, Yes.  I didn't really want to go to Germany just then because I already, long ago, made plans to go to Wuppertal, Germany later in the same month.  But ok - what the heck.  I really needed to get out of Parkinson's-land anyway and take a break.  You have surely already read the Lübeck blog.  If not, click this link to view it.  

After the Lübeck trip was completed, I tried to book a flight to Wuppertal via Cologne, Germany airport.  But no such luck.  All the flights to Cologne and Dusseldorf were full. This meant I had to land in some other part of German like Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt or Berlin.  That would almost make my employee discount price double up and twice as long.  Coming back was going to be even more difficult.  Only one flight company offered a direct flight but the price was astronomical.  So I dropped my trip to Wuppertal.  

However, I decided to do something nice for me anyway.  The day of what should have been my departure day, I went to the beach.  I haven't done that in a couple of years.  The following day I went to Malmö, for the day.   I try to make it a yearly summer event.  Corona/Covid put a stop to that but I am trying to make it a thing again.  

I walked from my apartment to the new metro station.

Normally I would have to walk/ride to the nearby train station.
The old path is below.
Zoomed in. 

And here is the new metro station with finishing touches 
still being completed.

The new metro and the old train station is
only 1 stop from the central station.
The metro is an 11 minute walk.
The train station is a 14 minute walk.
Or the difference of 200 meters / 0.1 mile.

Once I got to the central station, I had to buy my train ticket to Malmö and walk to the right platform.  I was shocked to see how many people were going to Sweden   The train was packed.  Many people had to stand the entire way - about a 45 minute ride. 

The very crowded train.

The train stops at the Copenhagen airport.
from there it travels underground and under the sea,
until it gets to a man-made island.
From there, it crosses the bridge and 
lands in Sweden.

We just passed the water way via tunnel and now 
approaching the bridge.

Just about to reach the end of the bridge and land in Sweden.

Normally I get off of the train at the central station in Malmö.
But this time I decided to try something different.
I got off 1 stop before the central station because
I knew there was a square near the area and I wanted to
have a bite to eat at the square.
The station is called The Triangle.
At The Triangle station is this church and this street.
St. John's church.
Very cute street called Friisgaten.

I slowly made my way to the square 
that I know of called
Lots of places to eat near by but it was a bit too 
quite to make it worth the visit.  
So I rounded the next corner
and to my surprise - I came upon
a really cute street with several 
I stopped here:
I ordered a cappuccino with mango flavor - delicious!

From the coffeeshop, I made my way into the center of town.
I snapped a few pix on my journey.  
The people's park.

un-even balconies.

an old movie theater.

Along the way there was this tiny
South American parade going on.


I find it to be a step back in time that the Swedes are
by law, only allowed to buy alcohol in government shops
called Bolaget.
It's a giant size market of booze.

I continued on and I reached the south end of 
the pedestrian street with this very pretty fountain.

Then I made my way to 
my favorite restaurant:
Gustav Adolf
So amazing delicious avocado and shrimp
and a glass of juice ;-)

The restaurant is named after the King of Sweden from 1611.
He became one of the most important kings in Swedish history.
Google him for some interesting history.

And so I walk and snap a little bit more.
I don't know how to get both my face and the subject in the frame.

I made my way towards the beach.
It's a very nice walk.
This apartment/office high-rise is very unusual.
It can be seen from the cost of Copenhagen.
It's called the Turning Torso.
No matter from where you view it, 
it looks like it is going to fall over. 

Eventually it was time to head back to town.
I had dinner at in the old part of town at
a Thai restaurant.  Hot but delicious.

Thereafter I walked back to the central station
and headed back to reality in Copenhagen.
It is so nice to have this option to 
visit Malmö, Sweden for the day taking
 less than an hour to get there.

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